@article{7ae41597-d7d0-49b8-8d32-872053536a3e, author = {Hanna Liberska, Marzanna Farnicka}, title = {Aggressivness and aggressive behavior of youth and perceived by them parental attitude. Developmental perspective}, journal = {Developmental Psychology}, volume = {2015}, number = {Volume 20, Issue 4}, year = {2015}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {25-44},keywords = {youth; aggressive behavior; parental attitudes; change; stability}, abstract = {The present paper verifies the assumptions about the importance of parental attitudes for the mechanism of formation of aggressive behavior in adolescents. It was carried out on the basis of a series of three studies. The aim was to assess the significance of any links between: parental attitudes and expression of aggressive behavior of the respondents in the second phase of adolescence (N = 237). The basic research question concerned the problem of stability and change during aggression in relation to the gender of respondents and their parenting attitudes. The study used: Parental’ Attitude Scale (SPR-2) (Plopa, 1987, 2005), tools for the study of aggression (Wójcik) and BPAQ (Buss, Perry, 1992). The research found that there are: (1) significant differences between girls and boys in their late adolescence in the manifestations of aggression, (2) a significant relationship between specific parental attitudes and adolescent aggressive behavior depending on the gender of children a,nd their parents’, (3) changes in the manifestation of aggressiveness depending on the cultural context. Constellations of parental attitudes have diagnosed, which substantially relate to the intensity of adolescent aggressive responses and the occurrence of physical forms of aggression. It was also found that the influence of parental attitudes on growing children’s aggressive behavior is limited by gender of the child and the parent.}, doi = {10.4467/20843879PR.15.020.4463}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/agresywnosc-i-zachowania-agresywne-mlodziezy-a-percypowane-przez-nia-postawy-rodzicielskie-perspektywa-rozwojowa} }