%0 Journal Article %T AutoCAD and E-learning in teaching Descriptive Geometry %A Vogt, Beata %J Technical Transactions %V 2015 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.15.200.4405 %N Architektecture Issue 11-A (22) 2015 %P 53-62 %K descriptive geometry, AutoCAD, e-learning %@ 0011-4561 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/autocad-and-e-learning-in-teaching-descriptive-geometry %X The world is changing constantly and inexorably, and the new technologies enter all of the fields of our lives. The changes also affect the ways of teaching traditional subjects, such as descriptive geometry. Until recently, this subject, being the basic communication language for engineers all over the world, had only been taught with traditional methods – using paper, pencil, compasses and ruler. Currently, instruction on solving geometric problems begins to use computers with the AutoCAD software as well as e-learning platforms with a full range of possibilities. An essential issue in the course of instruction is to make the student realise that a computer can only do what it is told to do by its operator, and it is necessary to have theoretical knowledge to be able to use one in order to solve a given problem.