%0 Journal Article %T The object and the loss. The case of François Bon (Mécanique, 2001) and Marcin Wicha (Rzeczy, których nie wyrzuciłem / Things I did not throw away, 2017) %A Kotowska, Katarzyna %J Cahiers ERTA %V 2020 %R 10.4467/23538953CE.20.006.12424 %N Numéro 22 %P 9-34 %K object, autobiography, mourning, loss %@ 2300-4681 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/cahiers-erta/article/lobjet-et-la-perte-le-cas-de-francois-bon-mecanique-2001-et-de-marcin-wicha-rzeczy-ktorych-nie-wyrzucilem-les-choses-que-je-nai-pas-jetees-2017 %X The goal of the article is to confront the texts of François Bon (Mécanique, 2001) and Marcin Wicha (Rzeczy, których nie wyrzuciłem / Things I did not throw away, 2017) by relating objects and their losses in an autobiographical context. The place given to objects in the narratives in question is masterful and goes beyond simple cognitive functions in discourse. In order to highlight the complexity of their status, we progressed in this analysis by following three aspects: the structuring object of the narrative, the mnemonic support object and the "metonymic" object.