%0 Journal Article %T Stanisław Witkiewicz’s Zakopane style and its differentia specifica %A Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof %J Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura %V 2020 %R 10.4467/00000000PUA.20.004.12071 %N Volume 1/2020 %P 57-66 %K national style in architecture, Zakopane style, folk art, folk architecture, Podhale %@ 2544-0853 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przestrzen-urbanistyka-architektura/article/styl-zakopianski-stanislawa-witkiewicza-i-jego-differentia-specifica %X The work is an attempt to reconstruct the creative method of Stanisław Witkiewicz based on his various written works. The Zakopane style has become a phenomenon within a wide spectrum of Polish national styles. The inspiration for classic national styles was generally an arbitrarily selected set of forms taken from a specific historical style associated with a given nation or state. It was often an eclectic collection. Stanisław Witkiewicz consistently avoided borrowing and repetitions, using only inspirations from the folk art of Podhale. In the methodology of his architecture, ‘rational’ elements were interspersed with ornaments mainly on the subject of plants and elements of a mythology.