%0 Journal Article %T Drafting the employment law and its relations to social policy %A Godlewska-Bujok, Barbara %J Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy %V Volume 25 (2018) %R 10.4467/25444654SPP.18.023.8951 %N Volume 25 Issue 4 %P 367-374 %K labour law, social policy, reshaping the law, norms, semiimperative norms %@ 1429-9585 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/szppips/article/o-ksztaltowaniu-prawa-pracy-i-jego-zwiazkach-z-polityka-spoleczna %X Labour law is constantly subject to the process of change. This is because the social and economic conditions are constantly changing. The multitude of factors affecting the shape of change causes difficulties in determining how the labour law should look like and to whom it should serve. Labour law can be treated as an instrument of social policy only to a limited extent – in the framework of semiimperative norms. JEL:  K31 ASJC: 3309