%0 Journal Article %T Kształtowanie przestrzeni społeczno-gospodarczej miasta Gliwice poprzez realizację projektów rewitalizacyjnych – na wybranych przykładach %A Szulc, Tomasz %A Gumienny, Józef %J Public Management %V 2010 %N Issue 1-2 (9-10) %P 145-160 %K revitalization, brownfield regeneration, local revitalization programme %@ 1896-0200 %D 2010 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/ksztaltowanie-przestrzeni-spoleczno-gospodarczej-miasta-gliwice-poprzez-realizacje-projektow-rewitalizacyjnych-na-wybranych-przykladach %X The paper presents a few examples of implemented urban regeneration projects, the analysis and evaluation of their influence on the social and economic sphere of the city of Gliwice. Among all activities there were indicated smaller scale projects referring to adaptation of buildings for the needs of courts and one complex project referring to transformation of a post-industrial zone into an education and entrepreneurship area. As a result of the carried out analysis the added value of the projects may be precisely determined, namely, within the surrounding of the courts there was observed rapid growth of services offered to the public, i.e. the legal and consulting. In the neighbourhood of the post-industrial zone, on the other hand, there are perspectives for further investments undertaken by the city and private entities. In the latter part of the article, the authors present further plans and possibilities of  mplementing operational activities in the city of Gliwice.