%0 Journal Article %T “An Unfinished Story”: Genealogy of the Kielce Pogrom Victims (Selected Problems and New Research Possibilities) %A Dulewicz, Jarosław %A Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna %J Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20843925SJ.20.011.13879 %N Volume 18 %P 163-188 %K Kielce pogrom; genealogy; new sources; verification of the list of victims; new research possibilities; court documents %@ 1733-5760 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/scripta-judaica-cracoviensia/article/an-unfinished-story-genealogy-of-the-kielce-pogrom-victims-selected-problems-and-new-research-possibilities %X The article examines the usefulness of the genealogical method in research on the Kielce pogrom. An analysis of the stories of individual people – victims of the pogrom will reveal a broader background of this tragic event. In the text, we will also try to answer some important research questions. Is the list of victims complete? Does it include the names of people who did not, in fact, perish during the pogrom? In addition, the article presents new research areas within the described issues. * This text offers a development of the conclusions articulated in Joanna Tokarska-Bakir’s book Pod klątwą. Portret społeczny pogromu kieleckiego (Cursed: A social portrait of the Kielce pogrom), and it should be read together with this work. The English translation of Cursed penned by Ewa Wampuszyc will be published next year by Cornell University Press (co-edited by the USHMM).