%0 Journal Article %T Review of Anna Stawarska-Rippel, Elementy prywatne i publiczne w procesie cywilnym w świetle prac kodyfikacyjnych w Polsce (1918–1964). Studium historycznoprawne, [The Private and the Public in Civil Law Procedure and the Codification Process in Poland (1918-1964): A Study in Legal History], Katowice 2015, 436 pp. %A Malec, Dorota %J Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History %V Volume 10 (2017) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.17.027.8565 %N Volume 10, Issue 4 %P 635-640 %K civil proceedings, civil procedure code, codification movement, Codification Comission %@ 2084-4115 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kshpp/article/recenzja-ksiazki-anny-stawarskiej-rippel-elementy-prywatne-i-publiczne-w-procesie-cywilnym-w-swietle-prac-kodyfikacyjnych-w-polsce-1918-1964-studium-historycznoprawne-katowice-2015-ss-436 %X The review highlights the key points of Anna Stawarska-Rippel’s monograph which presents the process of codification of civil law procedure in Poland from 1918, the year of Poland’s independence, until the enactment of a revised Civil Law Code in 1964. The book is based on an impressive collection of primary data and makes full use of the literature in that field. It offers important insights into the codification processes after World War II as well as some probing reflections on the language of the law and the legal discourse. However, the analysis would have been put on firmer ground had the author defined her key terms, i.e. ‘private’ and ‘public elements’, and made clear in what way they differed from private and public interest respectively.