%0 Journal Article %T The For the Earth Association’s Activities Promoting the Integration of Refugees – a Case Study %A Kozdraj, Ewa %A Świdzińska, Agata %J Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora %V 2021 (XLVII) %R 10.4467/25444972SMPP.21.063.14816 %N Vol. 4 (182) %P 265-278 %K For the Earth Association, integration, refugee children, refugees %@ 2081-4488 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/smpp/article/the-for-the-earth-associations-activities-promoting-the-integration-of-refugees-a-case-study %X The article discusses selected aspects of the activity of the For the Earth Association aiming to integrate refugee children and women into Polish society. The methodology of case study research is used in order to explore the issue and present the data. The study begins by discussing the role and functions of non-governmental organisations and the nature of the integration process, before outlining a brief history of the formation and activity of the association. The final section presents selected projects with the participation of refugee children and certain groups of Polish society which have emphasised the aspect of integration with Polish society. The analysis of the association’s activity substantiates the hypothesis that it fulfils an integrative function through various forms of education, while also characterising the activity as methods of intercultural activation.