%0 Journal Article %T Nutrition and Pharmaceutical Supplies for Sick and Wounded Soldiers in 1815 in the Light of Healthcare Provisions Extracted from the General Ordinance of the Administration and Internal Account for the Polish Armed Forces of all Branches Approved by the Military Committee %A Turos, Maria Joanna %J Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology %V 2020 %R 10.4467/0023589XKHNT.20.022.12605 %N Volume 65, Issue 3 %P 109-123 %K Przepisy służby zdrowia wyjęte z ogólnego urządzenia Administracyi i Rachuby wewnętrznej dla Woyska Polskiego wszelkiej broni zatwierdzone przez Komitet Woyskowy (Healthcare Provisions Extracted from the General Ordinance of the Administration and Interna, the Kingdom of Poland, military health service %@ 0023-589X %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kwartalnik-historii-nauki-i-techniki/article/wyzywienie-i-zaopatrzenie-farmaceutyczne-chorych-i-rannych-zolnierzy-w-1815-roku-w-swietle-przepisow-sluzby-zdrowia-wyjetych-z-ogolnego-urzadzenia-administracyi-i-rachuby-wewnetrznej-dla-woyska-polskiego-wszelkiej-broni-zatwierdzonego-przez-komitet-woysko %X The text discusses two vital issues dealt with in the document titled Healthcare Provisions Extracted from the General Ordinance of the Administration and Internal Account for the Polish Armed Forces of all Branches Approved by the Military Committee (1815), namely the nutrition and pharmaceutical supplies for sick and wounded soldiers.