%0 Journal Article %T Прагматика котоматрицы как креолизованного интернет-мема: стратегия ориентированности (на примере коммуникативной тактики апелляция к стереотипам) %A Makarowska, Olga R. %J Language and Method %V 2019 %N 6 %P 97-107 %K types of Internet communication, the cooperative principle, the strategy of orientation, the tactics of addressing ethnic hetero-stereotypes, the tactics of addressing stereotypes about stereotypes %@ 2299-5668 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/jezyk-i-metoda/article/pragmatika-kotomatritsy-kak-kreolizovannogo-internet-mema-strategiia-orientirovannosti-na-primere-kommunikativnoi-taktiki-apelliatsiia-k-stereotipam %X The article is devoted to the properties of the recipient-orientated communicative strategy used by the authors of kotomatrices. It is noted that the strategy is implemented through the use of a variety of tactics, among which the tactics of appealing to stereotypes (e.g. ethnic hetero-stereotypes, stereotypes about stereotypes, etc.) is the most prominent. The analysis is conducted within the confi nes of pragmalinguistics. The research material comprises kotomatrices containing Russians’ ethnic hetero-stereotypes of representatives of other ethnic groups.