%0 Journal Article %T Use of middlebrook’s method in frequency analysis of power electronic circuits %A Mysiński, Wojciech %A Pragłowska-Ryłko, Natalia %J Technical Transactions %V 2016 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.16.267.6066 %N Electronical Engineering Issue 3-E 2016 %P 75-85 %K Metoda Middlebrook’a, analiza częstotliwościowa, Buck-Converter %@ 0011-4561 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/use-of-middlebrooks-method-in-frequency-analysis-of-power-electronic-circuits %X The article presents Middlebrook’s method, which allows one to obtain the frequency analysis of  power electronic circuits based on time analysis. The authors carried out their simulations in LTspice. The article discusses selected examples of circuits, such as an active filter, a resonant RLC circuit and a Buck-Converter with a correction circuit. An important advantage of Middlebrook’s method is that it allows for the determination of the amplitude and phase characteristics for nonlinear circuits, as opposed the common .AC method. Simulation tests of non-linear circuits indicate that, in order to obtain correct results using Middlebrook’s method, the values of input signals need to be selected very carefully