TY - JOUR TI - New medias online reality and process of building the identity of the people with Asperger syndrome. Sociological study AU - Drzazga-Lech, Maja AU - Świątkiewicz-Mośny, Maria TI - New medias online reality and process of building the identity of the people with Asperger syndrome. Sociological study AB - New media is a space in which neuroatipical individuals can exist. They can articulate their subjectivity and construct their identity. The analysis of the webblogs of people who define themselves as Asperger Syndrome diagnosed shows how either individual or collective identity is forming. Bloggers describing their everyday life show their perspective, which is not available to neurotipical (NT) people. Thanks to online memoirs, attempts can be made to reconstruct their identity projects and analysis of adaptation strategies. VL - 2018 IS - Volume 16, Issue 1 PY - 2018 SN - 1731-7398 C1 - 2084-2627 SP - 55 EP - 63 DO - 10.4467/20842627OZ.18.007.8677 UR - https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/nowe-media-jako-przestrzen-kreowania-wizerunku-osob-z-zespolem-aspergera-analiza-strategii-adaptacyjnych-i-konstruktow-tozsamosci-blogerow-studium-socjologiczne KW - spoiled identity KW - autostigmatization KW - autoidentification KW - stigma