%0 Journal Article %T Personality traits and adolescents’ decisions concerning education and career planning %A Markiewicz, Katarzyna %A Kaczmarek, Bożydar L. J. %A Kostka-Szymańska, Małgorzata %J Developmental Psychology %V 2010 %N Volume 15, Issue 3 %P 57-70 %K adolescence, career planning, personality traits, economic changes %@ 1895-6297 %D 2010 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/cechy-osobowosci-a-decyzje-adolescentow-dotyczace-planow-edukacyjnych-i-zawodowych %X One of the most signifi cant tasks confronting adolescents is planning future career in order to start an independent life (Kanfer et al., 2001). A number of studies show that it poses number of signifi cant problems (Super, 1963; Super, Savickas, Super, 1996; Webber, 1990; Borgen, Amundson, 2010). The aim of the present study was to defi ne decision-making mechanisms that have an impact on career planning by adolescents and the infl uence of their personality traits upon it. The NEO-FFI Inventory and a self-constructed questionnaire were administered to 116 students of the last year of a secondary school. The data indicate correlations between the choices concerning further studies and personality traits measured with NEO-FFI Inventory. The following traits proved to be signifi cant: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness