@article{6954467a-85a1-498a-b2f4-b24a297bcea9, author = {Józefa Kunicka-Synowiec }, title = {Zbawiciela „niestarte ślady” i świadkowie obecności Jezusa w dramacie Maria Magdalena autorstwa Krystyna Ostrowskiego}, journal = {Konteksty Kultury}, volume = {2013}, number = {Volume 10, Issue 3}, year = {2013}, issn = {2083-7658}, pages = {307-325},keywords = {}, abstract = {The text is an attempt to look at the traces of the presence of Jesus in the Biblical drama Maria Magdalena. Attention has been paid, in particular, to the account of John the Apostle who had been a direct witness of the deeds of the Master from Nazareth, e.g. during the calming of the storm in the Sea of Galilee. One can fi nd much theological depth in the words of Ostrowski’s heroes. Christ is not only the Saviour, the Messiah, a giver of light, a miracle worker, a healer, but also a man who knows how to speak to a crowd, to win the favour of people, and, having heard of the death of Lazarus, he cries in sorrow. Jesus is viewed differently by his opponents who do not conceal their dislike for the prophet from Nazareth. Expressing their criticism, they simultaneously bear witness to Christ’s deeds, becoming his witnesses.Ostrowski transforms the Biblical motifs, dramatizes them to a larger degree and reaches for romantic imagery; he also often downplays the pompous, solemn tone, e.g. through irony. He departs from the canonical view of John as a hot-tempered man, but simultaneously he shows how this apostle lived on the truth of God. In the scene just before the crucifixion, the playwright introduces a Jesus’ letter to Judas, therefore referencing apocryphal traditions. According to the spirit of the epoch, he seamlessly combines various elements, yet creates a Christian vision of the world as a result.}, doi = {10.4467/23531991KK.13.004.1762}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/konteksty-kultury/article/zbawiciela-niestarte-slady-i-swiadkowie-obecnosci-jezusa-w-dramacie-maria-magdalena-autorstwa-krystyna-ostrowskiego} }