%0 Journal Article %T The famous mathematician of Lithuanian University Otto Theodor Volk (1892‒1989) %A Banionis, Juozas %J Technical Transactions %V 2014 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.14.055.2505 %N Fundamental Sciences Issue 1 NP (7) 2014 %P 5-12 %K Lithuanian University, mathematics, differential geometry, theory of functions, history of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics %@ 0011-4561 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/the-famous-mathematician-of-lithuanian-university-otto-theodor-volk-1892-1989 %X The article introduces a German mathematician Otto Theodor Volk (1892‒1989), who worked as a professor at Lithuanian University in 1922–1930, and sheds light on his merits in the science of mathematics in Lithuania.