%0 Journal Article %T Radykalizm oraz ekstremizm wobec kwestii radykalizacji młodych muzułmanów w Holandii %A Gul-Rechlewicz, Violetta %J Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies) %V 2022 %R 10.4467/20827695WSC.22.016.16765 %N Volume 16 %P 227-246 %K radicalism, extremism, terrorism, Muslims, Netherlands, Delft, Syria %@ 2082-7695 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wschodnioznawstwo/article/radykalizm-oraz-ekstremizm-wobec-kwestii-radykalizacji-mlodych-muzulmanow-w-holandii %X Radicalism and extremism are concepts that are closely intertwined in the formation of state security policy. They are invoked both in the area of national and local policies. It seems necessary to refer to the definitional sphere of the aforementioned concepts, which often seem to be abused and freely interpreted. Although in most countries there is no legal definition of radicalism and/or extremism, there are instead many government programs relating to countering these phenomena, since both are linked to a specific form of political violence, i.e. terrorism. The results of terminological and conceptual analyses of the definitions of extremism and radicalism indicate a consistent search by researchers for a common interpretive denominator to concretize the aforementioned phenomena in terms of the broader social sciences (including security sciences). The article aims to indicate the lack of transparency in the definition of phenomena/processes in the area of conceptualization of issues related to radicalism and extremism, and attempts to organize them. The context of consideration is the events related to the radicalization of a group of young Muslims from Delft (the Netherlands), whose members undergoing the process of radicalization were recruited to Syria.