%0 Journal Article %T „Landscape after battle” – selected negative (criminological) consequences of the recent conflict in the Western Balkans. Field research report %A Ickiewicz‑Sawicka, Magdalena %J Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies) %V 2021 %R 10.4467/20827695WSC.21.010.14717 %N Volume 15 %P 209-230 %K suffering, pain, PTSD, post‑traumatic stress disorder, trauma, insidious trauma, field research, Serbia, Montenegro, post‑Yugoslavia %@ 2082-7695 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wschodnioznawstwo/article/krajobraz-po-bitwie-wybrane-negatywne-kryminologiczne-nastepstwa-ostatniego-konfliktu-na-balkanach-zachodnich-raport-z-badan-terenowych %X The article deals with the selected antagonistic consequences of the recent Yugoslav civil wars (the Serbo‑Croatian civil war, the civil war in Bosnia and the war for Kosovo). The text is the result of field studies carried out in 2014 (pilot studies) – 2019 (specific studies) in Serbia and Montenegro. The main topic showed the material and immaterial (psychological and psychological) effects of the civil war in the form of various negative experiences: traumatic experiences (occurrence of the PTSD syndrome) and material (economic) losses. The aim of the study illustrated the complex relations and phenomena from the perspective of Serbs and Montenegrins, who undoubtedly suffered during the last conflicts in the Western Balkan countries. Obviously, this is not a comprehensive analysis, but only a small fragment of this intricate, difficult and above all painful post‑war and post‑Yugoslav reality of the great powers, entangled in international, soulless international politics, and the Balkan inhabitants of southern Europe.