%0 Journal Article %T Changes in Emotionality Throughout Consumer Revolution %A Zalewska, Joanna %J Zoon Politikon %V 2021 %R 10.4467/2543408XZOP.21.002.14060 %N 12/2021 %P 29-73 %K Consumer revolution, discourse of progress, domestication of technology, emotions, historical generation, modernity, modern hedonism, progress %@ 2082-7806 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zoon-politikon/article/przemiany-emocjonalnosci-w-procesie-rewolucji-konsumpcyjnej %X This article discusses changes in emotionality throughout the consumer revolution in urban contexts in Poland. There are two types of emotionality: emotionality imbedded in discourse of progress; and modern hedonism. Drawing upon ethnographic data, emotions towards domesticated technologies were analyzed. Discourse of progress dominates among informants from older historical generations, modern hedonism dominates among the generation of transformation. The changes in emotionality: increase in emotionality, which means more often expression of emotions and larger number and diversity in expressed emotions; expressing the emotion of desire; engaging in practices with the goal of raising emotions through these practices.