%0 Journal Article %T Names of Types, Construction Parts and Equipment of Vessels in the 16th-Century Printed Dictionaries with the Polish Language Component %A KuliƄski, Bohdan A. %J Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology %V 2021 %R 10.4467/0023589XKHNT.21.030.14794 %N Volume 66, Issue 4 %P 83-106 %K nautology, lexicography, early modernity, Latin, Polish %@ 0023-589X %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kwartalnik-historii-nauki-i-techniki/article/nazwy-typow-czesci-konstrukcyjnych-oraz-wyposazenia-jednostek-plywajacych-w-xvi-wiecznych-drukowanych-slownikach-z-polskim-komponentem-jezykowym %X The article analyzes the Polish language nomenclature of types, construction parts and equipment of vessels recorded in the 16th-century printed dictionaries with the Polish component. In addition, the text reviews the current state of research and discusses the sources in view of the terminology in question. The excerpted source material has been listed in three tables.