%0 Journal Article %T Národopis, ethnography, social anthropology, cultural anthropology… Brief history of the culturology in Czech Republic %A Zdrodowska, Magdalena %J Arts & Cultural Studies Review %V 2011 %R 10.4467/20843860PK.12.039.0375 %N Issue 2 (10) %P 163-182 %@ 1895-975X %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/article/narodopis-etnografia-antropologia-spoleczna-antropologia-kulturowa-kilka-uwag-o-historii-nauk-o-kulturze-w-czechach %X The article summarizes the history of the academic refl ection on the culture research in Czech Republic from the beginnings of the národopis in the late 19th century till contemporary refl ection on culture under the brand of anthropology. It covers the diffi culties with defi ning the fi eld of the research as well as the discipline name problem. The plurality of disciplines we can now observe in Czech cultural studies is explained in context of the social and political circumstances, especially the belonging to the soviet universum after the 2nd World War. Finally the article tries to explain the great diffi culty with application of the Western, especially British, cultural studies into the postcommunist intellectual milieu