%0 Journal Article %T The effectiveness of Eastern European countries’ innovation policies with view to their economies’ competitiveness in international trade %A Falkowski, Krzysztof %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2016 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.16.022.5603 %N Volume 35/1 %P 295-308 %K effectiveness of innovation policy, international competitiveness, Eastern Europe %@ 2300-6102 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/ibage/article/skutecznosc-polityk-innowacyjnych-krajow-europy-wschodniej-w-kontekscie-poziomu-konkurencyjnosci-ich-gospodarek-w-handlu-miedzynarodowym %X he paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of innovation policies pursued in selected Eastern European countries (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine) with view to their economies’ competitiveness in international trade. A general assumption has been made that the existence of a given country’s long-term competitive advantages in international trade with respect to technologically advanced goods, and in particular the improvement of such advantages over the long-run, are the result of how effective its innovation policy has been. To assess that competitiveness, the method of Relative Comparative Advantages put forth by Béla Balassa has been applied. The analysis seems to confirm that the low international competitiveness of the Eastern European countries under investigation, as exemplified by lack of any (or very limited) long-term competitive advantages of their economies in international trade with respect to technologically advanced goods, testifies to the low effectiveness of their innovation policies as well as to the presence of serious structural weaknesses in their economic, social and political systems.