%0 Journal Article %T Revived nature: the terrifying still-life in Jurassic Park %A Freyheit, Matthieu %J Cahiers ERTA %V 2014 %R 10.4467/23538953CE.14.020.3427 %N Numéro 6 Nature morte %P 161-175 %K still-life, vanitas, dinosaur, technothriller, paleontology, Michael Crichton %@ 2300-4681 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/cahiers-erta/article/nature-morte-fiction-vive-extinction-et-narration-dans-jurassic-park %X This article focuses on the specificity of the Mesozoic still-life and his relations with contemporary days, and even with futuristic novel. Museum of dust and bones, the dinosaur figures a hyperbolized still-life and insist on the theme of the vanitas. In Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton introduces such vanitas, but also distorts it: when dinosaurs rise from the dead, human beings have to turn into still-life to avoid the predator’s jaws. Our main goal is to ask the possibility of connections between still-life and adventure fiction. Can the still-life support such a fiction, far from the classical idea of Art’s notion?