%0 Journal Article %T Ethical dilemmas in Human Resource Management: the example of the health service %A Kunecka, Danuta %J International Journal of Contemporary Management %V 2013 %N Issue 12(2) %P 100-107 %@ 2449-8920 %D 2013 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/international-journal-of-contemporary-management/article/dylematy-etyczne-w-zarzadzaniu-zasobami-ludzkimi-na-przykladzie-sektora-zdrowia %X Changes happening in the health care sector in Poland over the last few years, have influenced changes in human resources management. However, cost restrictions, reconciliation of financial effectiveness and social effectiveness appear extremely difficult and may bring multiple negative or unethical behaviours. Therefore ethical dimensions in the process of management gains particular value. Up until now, the ethical context in research in health care centres has been related to the relations of: patients – employees of the medical service centre. Considerations on the term of an ethical company, health care centres have been seen as a particular form of health-economical organizations, which only recently could be associated with people that are employed in it. Despite the fact that the functioning of health care centres in Poland has been described multiple times in numerous publications, only a few deal with the subject of human resource management, and even if they do so only occasionally are ethical issues in the process of HMR dealt with. This has been a reason why the author of this paper started research in this field. The aim of this paper has been to analyse and evaluate ethical aspects accompanying HRM in health care centres in 2009–2011.