@article{4c9ca17b-e742-461a-91c1-f83670e8ace7, author = {Agnieszka Chrobak}, title = {Poetyka współczesnego reportażu polskiego na przykładzie Dzisiaj narysujemy śmierć Wojciecha Tochmana i Białej gorączki Jacka Hugo-Badera}, journal = {Konteksty Kultury}, volume = {2012}, number = {Vol. 9}, year = {2012}, issn = {2083-7658}, pages = {171-188},keywords = {}, abstract = {The sketch makes an attempt to determine the poetics of a reportage on an example of two works: by Wojciech Tochman and Jacek Hugo-Bader. The books, published in a short time interval, differ both with regard to the discussed subject and to the manner of realization of structural features of a reportage. The author has chosen Tochman’s work as the main subject of her discussion, since it combines a historical and social subject matter with a deepened psychological analysis of characters and subjective self-commentary, thus expanding the convention of the genre towards a documentary novel. As opposed to Bader, Tochman puts a greater emphasis on the composition of the text, as well as the stylistic layer of the utterance, to finally become in line with the trend of New Journalism. Bader realizes a travel reportage with social subject matter, therefore he relies mainly on recalled interviews and source materials. Confronting the works on a basis of a simultaneous comparison, the author shows an exceptional image of Tochman’s prose, treating Bader’s collection as an antithesis, as a different manner of realization of specific structural features.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/konteksty-kultury/article/poetyka-wspolczesnego-reportazu-polskiego-na-przykladzie-dzisiaj-narysujemy-smierc-wojciecha-tochmana-i-bialej-goraczki-jacka-hugo-badera} }