%0 Journal Article %T The degree of approximation of functions from exponential weight spaces %A Herzog, Monika %J Technical Transactions %V 2014 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.14.309.3397 %N Fundamental Sciences Issue 3 NP (17) 2014 %P 21-29 %K linear positive operators, Bessel function, modulus of continuity, degree of approximation %@ 0011-4561 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/the-degree-of-approximation-of-functions-from-exponential-weight-spaces %X This paper presents a study of the approximation properties of modified Szász-Mirakyan operators for functions from exponential weight spaces. We present theorems giving the degree of approximation by these operators using a modulus of continuity.