@article{44aae20f-0b01-4cf6-89d8-6ee7bfc06340, author = {Anna Busłowska}, title = {Investments in Road Infrastructure Development as an I nstrument of Local Policy – Evaluation of Project Co-financed from EU in Białystok}, journal = {Public Management}, volume = {2011}, number = {Issue 4 (16)}, year = {2011}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {63-79},keywords = {infrastructure; growth; European Union; projects}, abstract = {A commune is a basic self-government unit in Poland. Handing over a part of qualifications to the local level of self-government engendered the need of the effective and creative resource management for social, economic and ecological development of communes. Tools of infrastructure stimulating constitute the special group of instruments of local development. Equipping the area with social and economic infrastructure is one of factors and of indicators of investment attractiveness. It influences the quality of life of inhabitants. It is also contributing to the development of existing companies and attracting the outside investments. Tools that can be used in this area are: co-financing of investment by the commune and the independent realization by the commune of infrastructure investments. A main goal of this contribution is an attempt of the assessment of the results of projects co-financed from EU funds carried out in the field of the road infrastructure as the effective tool of the local politics. Analysis will concern the City of Białystok which is dynamically using public funds for the improvement in the infrastructure. In particular it will include results of all selected projects.}, doi = {10.4467/20843968ZP.12.029.0496}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/inwestycje-w-rozwoj-infrastruktury-drogowej-jako-instrument-polityki-lokalnej-gminy-ocena-projektow-realizowanych-ze-srodkow-unii-europejskiej-w-miescie-bialystok} }