%0 Journal Article %T “When this you see, remember me”. War cemeteries of Western Galicia in light of new research problems and perspective %A Szymański, Wojciech %J Arts & Cultural Studies Review %V 2014 %R 10.4467/20843860PK.13.036.3194 %N Issue 4 (22) %P 427-447 %K Great War, Galician war nekropoli, sites of memory, performative texts of culture %@ 1895-975X %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/article/o-jedno-tylko-prosze-skromnie-nie-zapomnijcie-nigdy-o-mnie-zachodniogalicyjskie-cmentarze-wojenne-w-swietle-nowych-problemow-i-perspektyw-badawczych %X The article is a first scholarly attempt to identify and consider new perspectives and research problems related to the Great War cemeteries located in Western Galicia. Research on the cemeteries’ forms, origins and ideological expression that has been conducted so far in the field of art history becomes only a prelude for further interdisciplinary deliberations which remain heavily indebted to visual studies, semiotics, performance studies and memory studies. Consequently, Galician cemeteries are seen as (1) codified texts of culture and potential places of memory, (2) texts of culture that bear generic traces of tragedy as well as (3) performative texts of culture. As a result, new hypotheses and research postulates are laid out.