@article{3a220f96-7393-41e3-812e-b139a68e4fa1, author = {Marta Więckiewicz-Archacka}, title = {The Community Rating as an Element of the Comments Managing System}, journal = {Media Management}, volume = {2020}, number = {Volume 8, Issue 4}, year = {2020}, issn = {}, pages = {421-433},keywords = {moderation; postmoderation; user generated content; Web 2.0; informational portal}, abstract = {The two most important strategies of managing user generated content are premoderation and postmoderation. The community rating can be used as a supporting element of the postmoderation system. It has a crucial role in informational portals where the amount of readers and published comments is large, so professional moderators would have problem in finding all comments that should be deleted. In the moderation process the role of Internet users is growing – they not only comment, but also evaluate comments of other users. Here occurs a transition: from user generated content to user moderated content. The aim of presented paper is to indicate a place of the community rating in the system of postmoderation, on the example of chosen Polish informational portals.}, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.20.043.12647}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-mediami/article/ocena-spolecznosciowa-jako-element-systemu-zarzadzania-komentarzami-uzytkownikow} }