%0 Journal Article %T The economic diplomacy of Poland – the origin and evolution of the organisational model and tasks during the transformation period %A Molendowski, Edward %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2018 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.18.009.9382 %N Volume 37 %P 128-141 %K economic diplomacy, commercial diplomacy, export promotion, organisation of dip- lomacy in Poland %@ 2300-6102 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/ibage/article/the-economic-diplomacy-of-poland-the-origin-and-evolution-of-the-organisational-model-and-tasks-during-the-transformation-period %X So far, broadly-understood economic diplomacy has rarely been addressed in Polish literature. Considering that at least for several decades the organisation of diplomacy has played an increasingly important role in the development of international economic links, it seems justified to view the issue from the perspective of Poland. The article attempts to give structure to a certain chaos in definitions. Its significant contribution seems to be the presentation of major findings from the analysis aimed at outlining the origin and evolution of the organisational model of economic diplomacy in Poland, with a special focus on the period of transition. The study is based on the hypothesis that, in spite of various efforts to adjust the organisational model, tasks, and functions of economic diplomacy to the requirements of the modern economic environment, it is still difficult to speak of its organisational consistency and measurable business-oriented effectiveness. The article ends with a summary of the most important conclusions from the analysis performed.