%0 Journal Article %T Scholarship Fund of Józef Kasparek and its beneficiaries %A Błońska, Diana %J History Notebooks %V 2011 %R 10.4467/20844069PH.11.008.0154 %N Issue 138 %P 125-141 %K Fund of Józef Kapsarek, “Czci i Chleba” Institute %@ 0083-4351 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/prace-historyczne/article/fundacja-stypendialna-im-jozefa-kasparka-i-jej-stypendysci %X The article is devoted to the Fund of Józef Kapsarek, a Polish emigrant who for most part of his adult life was an active member of the much distinguished “Czci i Chleba” [Respect and Bread] Institute.In 1888 he bequeathed to this institution a considerable amount of money which was to be spent on scholarships for Jagiellonian University graduates in medicine. During 20 years there were warded 32 scholarships which allowed 26 graduates to familiarise themselves with French medical achievements in a variety of disciplines. The Scholarship programme promoted young scientists. After the fall of the November Uprising Józef Franciszek Kasparek (1816–1892) left Poland and escaped through Prussia to France. He settled in Reims and started dealing in a profitable business of wine trading. In 1865 he joined the Tax Association which was later renamed as “Czci i Chleba” Institute and whose finances he managed for many years onwards.The primary source for the following article constituted records kept in the Polish Library in Paris and Jagiellonian University Archives.