%0 Journal Article %T The Efficiency Analysis of the Object Oriented Realization of the Client-Server Systems Based on the CORBA Standard %A Onderka, Zdzisław %J Schedae Informaticae %V 2011 %R 10.4467/20838476SI.11.010.0296 %N Volume 20 %P 181-193 %K distributed objects, CORBA, object-relational database, client-server %@ 1732-3916 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/schedae-informaticae/article/the-efficiency-analysis-of-the-object-oriented-realization-of-the-client-server-systems-based-on-the-corba-standard %X The aim of this work was to analyze the cooperation efficiency of the distributed objects based on the CORBA standard. The obtained results show the possibilities of application to the object-relational databases or object oriented computation of data received via the network from the object managed data base. The distributed objects for the client-server model were implemented in Java and C++ languages. All possible configurations of the implementation for the client and the server were analyzed. Best results were received for the client and the server implementation in C++ language. The worst results were received for the client and the server implementation in Java.