@article{2af3fed4-73b3-4c49-962e-258df052e683, author = {Maria Korybut-Marciniak, Karolina Studnicka-Mariańczyk}, title = {Maria Twardowska’s (1858–1907) Herbarium as a Pretext for a Biographical Sketch of the Borderland Botanist}, journal = {Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology}, volume = {2021}, number = {Volume 66, Issue 3}, year = {2021}, issn = {0023-589X}, pages = {85-103},keywords = {herbaria; Borderlands in the 19th century; women and botany; natural collections}, abstract = {The article presents the figure of Maria Twardowska née Skirmunt (1858–1907), researcher of the Lithuanian flora, promoter of natural science, author of articles on botany, and social activist. Twardowska was one of the first women to conduct independent research on the Polish/Lithuanian flora. She published in ‘Wszechświat’ and ‘Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny’. She kept scientific contacts with Polish botanists – Edward Janczewski, Józef Rostafiński, Władysław Dybowski, and Antoni Rehman. She is the author of the herbarium, which was in the collection of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences until the Second World War.}, doi = {10.4467/0023589XKHNT.21.020.14181}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kwartalnik-historii-nauki-i-techniki/article/zielnik-marii-twardowskiej-1858-1907-jako-pretekst-do-szkicu-biograficznego-kresowej-botaniczki} }