%0 Journal Article %T Call Center – forma kontaktu urząd–odbiorcy usług świadczonych przez Urząd Miasta Poznania %A Zawadzki, Konrad %J Public Management %V 2009 %N Issue 4 (8) %P 177-192 %K Call Center, knowledge management, customer service, project, channels of information %@ 1896-0200 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/call-center-forma-kontaktu-urzad-odbiorcy-uslug-swiadczonych-przez-urzad-miasta-poznania %X The following article contains elaboration of processes of both planning and implementation of a new service for customers of Poznan City Hall, namely – Call Center. It also describes individual stages of a project, obstacles and difficulties in its realization. Author of this work provides a reader with ideas and solutions, which may be helpful in undertaking such task. Moreover, he ponders on how to develop and improve the service of that sort in the future.