%0 Journal Article %T Understanding metaphors with vehicles from the animal domain – a developmental perspective %A Dryll, Ewa %J Developmental Psychology %V 2009 %N Volume 14, Issue 2 %P 95-109 %K language acquisition, semantic field of metaphor, metaphor %@ 1895-6297 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/rozumienie-metafor-z-nazwa-zwierzecia-w-nosniku-perspektywa-rozwojowa %X The aim of the presented empirical study was to explore the development of metaphor understanding in children. The results of the study were to reveal the way the mind organises information belonging to different fields of knowledge. The study followed a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were 77 children from three age groups: 5;6–6;0, 8;0–8;6, 9;6–10;0. The dependent variable was the level of comprehension of metaphors with vehicles from the animal domain, but connoting human attributes. The variable was measured through individual Piagetian interviews. The study proper was preceded by a pilot study on 24 adults. The data collected were analysed with the help of raters. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the ability to activate metaphorical thinking increases with age, however the increase is not linear. Older children assigned more human dispositional traits, thoughts and preferences to the objects of metaphors. Younger ones often focused on the physical features of animals. With age, the tendency to give positive evaluations to the objects of metaphors increases, while the number of digressions decreases. The development of the understanding of conventional metaphors may take a different course than the development of the understanding of creative ones. The most distinct changes in the ability of understanding metaphors concerning humans appear at the age of eight.