%0 Journal Article %T Status of people who disclose wrongdoing or malpractices in the workplace in the Slovak Republic and its evolution including the Act adopted on 16th October 2014 %A Waszak, Marcin %J Public Management %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.17.040.8024 %N Issue 4 (40) %P 551-566 %K protection of whistleblowers, preventing corruption, discrimination against employees, whistleblowing law in Slovakia, social perception of whistleblowers %@ 1896-0200 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/status-osob-ujawniajacych-nieprawidlowosci-w-miejscu-pracy-w-republice-slowackiej-i-jego-ewolucja-z-perspektywy-przepisow-ustawy-z-dnia-16-pazdziernika-2014-roku %X The article is focused on origins and implementation of the Slovak Act on whistleblowers protection adopted in 2014 and its practical consequences. Author analyses attitudes of the Slovak society towards reporting corruption and their evolution in the last four years. Key legal mechanisms of whistleblowers protection against reprisal were also presented.