%0 Journal Article %T Political Rights of Foreigners in Poland %A Kyliushyk, Ivanna %J Zoon Politikon %V 2018 %R 10.4467/2543408XZOP.18.011.10506 %N 9/2018 %P 5-21 %K Political rights, immigrants, integration policy, political participation, inclusion 5 %@ 2082-7806 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zoon-politikon/article/prawa-polityczne-cudzoziemcow-w-polsce %X The article presents the problem of applying various legal regulations regarding political rights in relation to foreigners from EU countries and foreigners from third countries in Poland. Political rights, which are one of the mechanism of political inclusion, are granted to foreigners from the EU who have permanent residence permit in Poland, then as other foreigners with the acquisition of citizenship. Such regulation leaves the largest group of foreigners excluded from local political life of the host community.