%0 Journal Article %T Post‑Yugoslav states – partnership in estabilishing „thematic” regional cooperation %A Bujwid‑Kurek, Ewa %J Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies) %V 2021 %R 10.4467/20827695WSC.21.007.14714 %N Volume 15 %P 143-160 %K post‑Yugoslav states, South‑Eastern Europe, „thematic” regional cooperation %@ 2082-7695 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wschodnioznawstwo/article/panstwa-pojugoslowianskie-partnerstwo-w-zawiazywaniu-tematycznej-wspolpracy-regionalnej %X The main research goal was to establish whether the states that emerged as a result of the decomposition of the Yugoslav federation, in the first period after „becoming independent”, were interested in establishing cooperation within joint regional projects. Moreover, which of them showed the greatest activity in this field, and which the least. In this regard, ‘thematic’forms of regional cooperation in the fields of economic and social development, energy and infrastructure, security, judiciary and home affairs, building human resources were taken into account. As the analysis shows, the most popular was the partnership for economic and social development, in which the countries taken into account showed almost equal increased activity, except Slovenia which, as the analysis shows, was least interested in participation in such alliances. This topic is too little discussed especially in the Polish literature on the subject dedicated to hence, in my opinion, there is undoubtedly a need for in‑depth political science in this area, reflection on these issues is of cognitive value both for the discipline of political science and administration, as well as security science. The article was written mainly with the use of a research method appropriate for the discipline of political science and administration – the case study method.