%0 Journal Article %T Bismarckhütte team Greenery – relevance to contemporary landscape of industrial %A Łakomy, Katarzyna %A Steuer-Jurek, Anna %J Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura %V 2015 %N Volume 2 Współczesna ranga zieleni zabytkowej %P 87-102 %K industrial greenery, industrial complexes, villa gardens, city landscape, Upper Silesia %@ 2544-0853 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przestrzen-urbanistyka-architektura/article/zielen-zespolu-bismarckhutte-znaczenie-dla-wspolczesnego-krajobrazu-przemyslowego %X The article is the subject of Bicmarckhütte industrial complex (now Batory) in Chorzow-Batory in Upper Silesia. It presents both the history of the development of the system, its composition, and above all the composed green areas. Based on an analysis of change and its current status has been determined her rank, both past and contemporary, for the development of the socio-cultural landscape of this industrial area.