%0 Journal Article %T The Henad Concept in Plotinus’ Philosophy %A Leszczyński, Rafał Marcin %J Studia Religiologica %V 2014 %R 10.4467/20844077SR.14.007.2380 %N Volume 47, Issue 2 %P 89-104 %K Plotinus, Henad, One, God, apophatic theology, cataphatic theology %@ 0137-2432 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/studia-religiologica/article/koncepcja-henady-w-ontologii-plotyna %X This paper presents the way Plotinus proved God’s absolute transcendence, the One and His non-complexity and singularity. Despite his support for apophatic theology, he was forced to also use notions of cataphatic theology. He called God by the names of Good, Beauty, Truth, Life and Might. He had much to say about Him, although at the same time he declared that the One cannot be described in a human language. It is therefore impossible to practise a consistent aphophatic theology if one wishes to lead people to God. Plotinus, however, tried to do so in his works.