@article{18fc4947-4ef9-45d4-8b44-376a49d6d5da, author = {Joanna Kasza}, title = {In between the politics and the political: Analysis of political discourses from the point view of (cultural) political economy}, journal = {Public Management}, volume = {2018}, number = {Issue 3 (43)}, year = {2018}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {263-278},keywords = {the political; post-politics; (cultural) political economy; hegemony of neoliberal discourse; trilemma of globalisation}, abstract = {The concept of post-politics, that dominated the contemporary public discourse, both from prac- tical and theoretical approach, appears generally in two contexts, first related to the separation of power and politics (removal of the concept of the political from political discourse), second related to the process of moving away from the ideology (the end of ideology) in favour of  a more pragmatic or/and consensual approach to politics or solving social conflict. The article focus in particular on the difference in between the post-politics and the political, within the context described by Carl Schmitt and Chantal Mouffe, both in refers to theoretical paradigm and practical politics, and its consequences from the point view of ‘cultural political economy’ (Bob Jessop, Ngai Ling Sum).}, doi = {10.4467/20843968ZP.18.028.8814}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/miedzy-polityka-a-politycznoscia-analiza-dyskursow-politycznych-z-punktu-widzenia-kulturowej-ekonomii-politycznej} }