%0 Journal Article %T Private health insurance market in European countries. French example %A Jurkiewicz, Irmina %A Tinardon, Carole %J Public Health and Governance %V 2010 %N Volume 8, Issue 1 %P 95-105 %K private health insurance, voluntary health insurance, market, France %@ 1731-7398 %D 2010 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/rynek-prywatnych-ubezpieczen-zdrowotnych-w-krajach-europejskich-przyklad-rozwiazan-francuskich %X Private health insurance exists alongside to the statutory health system in most of the European countries. The reason to introduce PHI in health care system, among other, is limiting public health care expenditures by involving private insurers and individuals. Moreover it is believed that increase in competition between public and private insurers would expand consumers’ choice in health care. Despite all similarities in terms of main goals and general structure of health care system, PHI institutions in European countries vary. The aim of the article is to present classification and examples of private health insurance solutions. More focus is put on French PHI system as an instance of existence of many types of PHI under specific regulations. The article also shows characteristics of PHI types. Furthermore the EU Third Non-Life Insurance Directive is presented as a main regulatory framework for PHI. PHI market basic information is included.