TY - JOUR TI - History of searching for the answer to the question about the nature of autism AU - Rybka, Anna TI - History of searching for the answer to the question about the nature of autism AB - An increase in the epidemiological indicators and the neurodevelopmental character of autism cause more and more children to find their way into clinics dealing with early diagnosing and therapy. In view of the huge diversity of this population, the proper understanding of the nature of autism is crucial for a correct diagnosis. A survey of changes in the understanding of this disorder in the historical context may also broaden the perspective on the contemporary transformations of the diagnostic criteria. The paper presents modifications to the defining and classifying of autism over the years, from the description by Leo Kanner (1943) to the proposals included in DSM V (2013). Analysis of the changing diagnostic criteria shows that the first description of autism has, to a greater or lesser extent, had an impact on all authors of the subsequent criteria and classification textbooks. In some cases, the sets of the necessary and sufficient diagnostic criteria proposed within those 70 years of research on autism have had virtually nothing in common. On the one hand, it reflects the huge diversity of this group of people; on the other, it signifies that the question of what autism is has not found a definitive reply. Researchers are still discussing the nature of this disorder, its correct defi nition and diagnosis, as proven by the currently proposed changes in the diagnostic criteria. VL - 2014 IS - Volume 19, Issue 1 PY - 2014 SN - 1895-6297 C1 - 2084-3879 SP - 9 EP - 29 DO - 10.4467/20843879PR.14.001.1723 UR - https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/psychologia-rozwojowa/article/historia-poszukiwan-odpowiedzi-na-pytanie-o-istote-autyzmu KW - autism KW - diagnostic criteria