%0 Journal Article %T Exception, restriction, mise à part? Sur le sens hétérogène des constructions prépositionnelles dites «exceptives» %A Biardzka, Elżbieta %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Volume 11 (2011) %R 10.4467/20843917RC.11.004.0072 %N Volume 11, Issue 1 %P 32-40 %@ 1732-8705 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/romanica-cracoviensia/article/exception-restriction-mise-a-part-sur-le-sens-heterogene-des-constructions-prepositionnelles-dites-exceptives %X Exception, restriction, exclusion? About the heterogenous meanings of the so-called “ exceptive” prepositional constructions This paper describes French prepositional constructions usually called “exceptive”. Basing on the syntax of predicative expressions and the semantic features of these constructions discerned by G. Kleiber, we aim to show that their meanings are not only exceptive but also can express two other relations: restriction and “mise à part” (exclusion).