%0 Journal Article %T Cryptonyms and echoes. Lem’s prose as a memory text %A Kobielska, Maria %J Wielogłos %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2084395XWI.17.031.8538 %N Issue 4 (34) 2017: Proza modernizmu %P 123-133 %K Stanisław Lem, Agnieszka Gajewska, Holocaust, memory, testimony %@ 1897-1962 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wieloglos/article/kryptonimy-i-echa-proza-lema-jako-tekst-pamieci-o-ksiazce-agnieszki-gajewskiej-zaglada-i-gwiazdy-przeszlosc-w-prozie-stanislawa-lema %X The article is a review of Agnieszka Gajewska’s book Zagłada i gwiazdy. Przeszłość w prozie Stanisława Lema [Holocaust and the stars. The past in the prose of Stanisław Lem]. The author discusses Lem’s autobiographical prose, realistic fiction and science fiction as a memory text in disguise, in terms of such categories as trauma and testimony.