@article{126662e8-0bca-4914-9244-3b2167e08e40, author = {Marcin Górski}, title = {The Border of Human Rights. Is Poland Liable for Structural Violation of the ECHR in Asylum Cases?}, journal = {Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora}, volume = {2021 (XLVII)}, number = {Vol. 2 (180)}, year = {2021}, issn = {2081-4488}, pages = {41-55},keywords = {ECHR; structural problem; international protection; right to asylum}, abstract = {The article analyzes the Polish practice of ignoring applications for international protection and the high level of refusals to grant international protection in the context of Rule 61 of the Rules of the European Court of Human Rights, which allows the employment of the pilot judgment procedure in the event of a structural violation of the ECHR (structural problem). It appears from the reasoning of the judgment of the ECtHR of 23 July 2020 M.K. and others v. Poland, as well as from information provided by the Ombudsman and non-governmental organizations that there are grounds for classifying the practice of ignoring applications for international protection as a structural violation (structural problem). However, there are no sufficient grounds for such a classification with regard to the significant level of refusals to grant international protection.}, doi = {10.4467/25444972SMPP.21.019.13775}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/smpp/article/granica-praw-czlowieka-czy-polska-dopuszcza-sie-strukturalnego-naruszenia-ekpc-w-sprawach-azylowych} }