%0 Journal Article %T The review of chosen health risk related to Internet use %A Grysztar, Marcin %A Waligóra, Kamila %A Duplaga, Mariusz %J Public Health and Governance %V 2013 %R 10.4467/20842627OZ.14.032.2171 %N Volume 11, Issue 4 %P 326-332 %K anorexia, cybersuicide, e-health, health behaviour, health risk, illegal substances, Internet, pro-ana, sexual behaviours %@ 1731-7398 %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/przeglad-wybranych-zagrozen-zdrowotnych-zwiazanych-z-internetem %X The review of chosen health risk related to Internet use Internet brings many new options for delivery of health-related services addressed both to patients and to whole communities. However, Internet is also a source of health risks. One should remember that Internet may be directly related to adverse health effect in case of Internet addiction. Most risks related to the use of Internet may to some extent lead to health consequences. It may be employed for promotion of harmful or dangerous behaviours, distribution of psychoactive or other noxious substances, and even promotion of unproven therapeutical methods. Among examples of promotion of risky or harmful behaviours, virtual pro-ana communities, sites promoting suicides and risky sexual habits resulting from Internet, were discussed. Finally, the problem of illicit drug commerce and activities of so called ‘rogue pharmacies’ providing controlled medications without prescription was addressed.