%0 Journal Article %T Austenitic steel surface integrity after EDM in different dielectric liquids %A Żyra, Agnieszka %A Bogucki, Rafał %A Skoczypiec, Sebastian %J Technical Transactions %V 2017 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.17.222.7765 %N Volume 12 Year 2017 (114) %P 231-242 %K electrodischarge machining, dielectric, surface layer, austenitic steel %@ 0011-4561 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/czasopismo-techniczne/article/austenitic-steel-surface-integrity-after-edm-in-different-dielectric-liquids %X Electrodischarge machining (EDM) can be used as an alternative machining method compared to conventional ones, especially while very good surface integrity and high machining accuracy during machining of difficult-to-cut materials is needed. In EDM, the dielectric liquid has a crucial influence on the technological material surface integrity since it ensures the occurrence of controlled electrical discharges between the tool and the workpiece, cooling and solidification of gaseous EDM debris, removing erosion products and also dispersing heat generated during the process. In the paper, the influence of a carbonbased and a water-based dielectric liquid on the selected structural and morphological characteristics of 304 stainless steel after EDM sinking was investigated. The surface roughness, micro hardness and quality as well as the chemical changes after the corrosion test of machined surfaces were analysed.