%0 Journal Article %T Voies, voix et rythmes dans l’œuvre de Henri Michaux %A Rapak, Wacław %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Volume 16 (2016) %R 10.4467/20843917RC.16.024.6295 %N Volume 16, Issue 4 %P 265-273 %K Henri Michaux, poetics of experience, avant-garde poetry. %@ 1732-8705 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/romanica-cracoviensia/article/voies-voix-et-rythmes-dans-loeuvre-de-henri-michaux %X Ways, Voices and Rhythms in Henri Michaux’s Oeuvre The article analyzes the fundamental categories of Henri Michaux’s writing: way (voie) refers to the complexity of space aspects in the textual worlds, voice (voix) problematizes the issue of these worlds’ construction and the notion of literality of the subject, and rhythm (rythme) deals with the problem of the poetics of experience as the crucial point of Michaux’s oeuvre.