@article{05495bb7-f5a7-4aae-82e7-74038075577b, author = {Piotr KÅ‚odkowski}, title = {The Phenomenon of Politicisation of Buddhism in the 21st Century}, journal = {Studia Religiologica}, volume = {2017}, number = {Volume 50 Issue 1}, year = {2017}, issn = {0137-2432}, pages = {25-51},keywords = {Political Buddhism; violence; Myanmar (Burma); Sri Lanka; Dalai Lama; Buddhist Congregation}, abstract = {The text focuses on the issues of political interpretation of Buddhism in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, as well as on its role as an element of diplomatic soft power in bilateral Indo-Chinese relationship. The author analyses the problems of self-immolation, non-violence vs violence policies and national identity building in the context of re-defining Buddhism in the political realities of selected Asian countries.}, doi = {10.4467/20844077SR.17.003.6523}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/studia-religiologica/article/fenomen-polityzacji-buddyzmu-w-xxi-wieku-buddyzm-jako-narzedzie-budowania-ideowej-tozsamosci-narodu-w-birmie-mjanma-i-na-sri-lance-oraz-realizowania-polityki-zagranicznej-w-kontekscie-wspolzawodnictwa-indyjsko-chinskiego-w-azji} }